NeoNeuro SAS has entered into a collaboration under the leadership of Professor Harald Hampel to work with the INSIGHT cohort for the application of the Aptamarker platform to pre-AD samples. The INSIGHT cohort is an innovative study of Alzheimer’s disease, and one of the first in the world to monitor healthy subjects at-risk. NeoNeuro are using this cohort to extend their validation of the Aptamarker platform for Alzheimer’s disease to the diagnosis of amyloid status in healthy elderly subjects.
INSIGHT is made possible through an innovative new scheme in medical research, a multi-partner foundation that focuses the Investissements d’Avenir (Investment for the Future) programme via IHU-A-ICM and Pfizer, together with the teams at IM2A and ICM, on a shared objective, that of better understanding Alzheimer’s disease. INSIGHT is an ancillary study of the MEMENTO national cohort.